One of the more common things that there are in a website are the formularies. Usually the formularies content are send by email. An alternative is use the Google Forms integrated in your website. In Google Forms, when a user filled a formularie, all the fields are introduced into a spreadsheet docs.

By default Google Forms has it own style and it is very simple, but you can change it. Next, I explain how to customize the Google Form style.

1. Crear a new form.

Loggin into your Google Drive and select Create > Form.

2. Add your form fields

3. Customize the style

3.1. Select the form view from the bottom page link. It open a new page with the form.

3.2. Copy the page source. Copy everything between the tags


3.3. Paste the code in your html page and customize the style.

3.4. Add your own confirmation page.

With this:

target="hidden_iframe" onsubmit="submitted=true;">