For some projects, I prefer don't work with a chef-server as a chef code repository. I prefer work directly with git and don't use a chef-server. To do it, we can use chef-solo or use chef in local mode. In the next lines I show you my first approach to deploy a system with chef in local mode.

List of components used:

  • Git as a code repository.
  • Chef in local mode to deploy
  • Vagrant to run the development node.
  • Ec2 instance to run the production node.

Create the development environment

1.- Create the chef repo and add your chef code.

2.- Create the vagrant node

Configure vagrant to install Chef client. You need to have the vagrant omnibus plugin installed. This is my Vagranfile.


Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64" = "precise32"
  config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", :nfs => true "private_network", ip: ""
  config.omnibus.chef_version = :latest

3.- Configure chef client to run in local mode. To do this, I have create the next clitnt.rb file

cookbook_path   "/vagrant/chef-repo/cookbooks"
role_path '/vagrant/chef-repo/roles'
data_bag_path  '/vagrant/chef-repo/data_bags'
environment_path '/vagrant/chef-repo/environments'
environment 'development'
local_mode 'true'
node_name 'node_dev'
node_path '/vagrant/chef-repo/nodes'
validator_key '/vagrant/chef-repo/.chef/validator.pem'
encrypted_data_bag_secret '/vagrant/chef-repo'
log_level :info

4.- Create a node definition.

To run chef in local mode we need to create the node definition in the local repository and add a run list. I use the nodes/node_dev.json.

"name": "node_dev",
  "chef_environment": "development",
  "override": {

  "normal": {
    "tags": [

  "run_list": [

Deploy to development environment

vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/chef-repo
sudo chef-client -c client.rb

Create the production environment

1.- Create the ec2 instance and install chef client.

2.- Configure chef client to run in local mode. I have created the next /etc/chef/client.rb file in the production node.

cookbook_path   "/root/chef-repo/cookbooks"
role_path '/root/chef-repo/roles'
data_bag_path  '/root/chef-repo/data_bags'
environment_path '/root/chef-repo/environments'
encrypted_data_bag_secret '/etc/chef'
environment 'production'
local_mode 'true'
node_name 'node'
node_path '/root/chef-repo/nodes'
log_level :info

3.- Add in your repo the production node definition. nodes/node.json.

"name": "node",
  "chef_environment": "production",
  "override": {

  "normal": {
    "tags": [

  "run_list": [

Deploy to production environment

1.- Upload chef code to ec2 instance.

To upload the chef code to ec2 node I use the git server, but you can use ssh or you favorite method.

2.- Run chef-client

git pull origin master

Future improvements

Using a git hook we can automatize the production deployment task. We can develop a hook that after push you production branch to git server, It connect to the production node and run a git pull and a chef-client.